इससे पहले स्थानीय जलाशयों से मां मनसा की बारी ढील बाजे के साथ भक्तों के द्वारा लाया गया। इसके बाद मां की पूजा पाठ हुआ मां मनसा पूजा की लेकर रात्रि में कोई स्थानी पर बांग्ला नाटक का भी आयोजन हुआ पूरे गांव में मां की पूजा एक साथ होने से गांव का माहौल श्रद्धा भक्तों में डूबा रहा इधर बुधवार सुबह का बतख व बकरे को बलि चढ़ाई गई। खरसावां प्रखंड के संतारी, कृष्णापुर, खमारडीह, गोपालपुर, बलिया टांड़,जीरडीहा,पीटीबेडा,बुढीतीपा,कुचाई,डीरी,अरुवा,मीलाडीह,तीडागडीह, आदि गांव में हषौल्लास के साथ मां मनसा देवी को पुजा अर्चना की गई।
The worship of Goddess Manasa was celebrated with great pomp and show in Kharsawan and Kuchai. Read further to know more!
Before this, the traditional procession of bringing the symbolic representation of Goddess Manasa (called "Bari Dhil") from local water bodies was carried out with music and celebration by the devotees. After that, the worship rituals were conducted. As part of the Manasa Puja, a Bengali drama was also organized at some local venue during the night.
With the entire village engaged in the worship, the atmosphere was filled with devotion and reverence. On Wednesday morning, ducks and goats were sacrificed as offerings. In the villages of Santari, Krishnapur, Khmardih, Gopalpur
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